Late to the party, but I just wanted to say that my website is also immune to the Y2K2 bug B)
HOWEVER! For the past month I have been doing a heavy heavy overhaul on the back end. Here sometime in August a lot of old external links will break, so heads up. Including this RSS feed! it's now at https://www.neververy4.com/en_US/feed.rss ! Maybe the URL link will give you a hint as to what I'm doing ;)

Working on my partner's PS4, sadly it's got an issue where the audio is making studders. If you unplug and reinsert the HDMI cable, that fixes it for about 1-3 seconds. I think, and this is after I picked the unit up, I think it's a heat issue. SO! I ordered some thermal pads, as well as more paste as i can't find mine, and once that gets here I'm gonna tear it down and clean it up :) Much smarter to wait to tear it down AFTER I get the new paste in, instead of getting greedy and excitied and tearing it open first thing, as I'd have to end up leaving it on my desk for the next few days torn down waiting for parts to arrive. Yeah :)

For the first time since I got a job in 2016, I'm reorganizing how I handle my money

So When I first got a job, I had my pay set up in a simple way. 80% went to a bank account labeled "BILLS", and the other 20% went to PayPal. That 20% was for my to do whatever I wanted to do with it. Free spending money. The 80% was for bills, and the leftovers were considered as Savings.
This worked for a while! When I first did it most of my paycheck was mine anyways, I didn't even have my own place. But now I have my own apartment. I have many bills. And I keep finding myself taking from both accounts as free spending. It's an outdated system that just isn't working anymore
Firstly, I'm opening a dedicated savings account. My bank offers a 4.21% Savings account, which isn't too bad. I'm also opening up two more checking accounsr, one labeled FOOD, and one labeled AUTOMOTIVE. The Automotive account will be for Gas, Tags, and Insurance, with the leftover remaining being for repairs and otner automotive expenses. The Food account will be a joint account with my partner! We'll both be putting money into it for food, as we both eat. HOWEVER! While my savings account will be with them, I won't be getting these two new accounts with my current bank. Ever heard the phrase "Don't put all your eggs in one basket"? The other two accounts will be with two other banks. At one point in time I had two banks, for thes exact reason! But this was before I dropped one and used PayPal to replace it.

Anyways, the new system!

Savings is an even 50 because I'm not being charged $5/month to have it. Banks L and A do have a monthly service charge, so I'm adding an extra $1.50 to each to compensate for that. Anyways, this leaves me with a monthly account amount of $200 Savings, $240 Food, and $220 Automotive. Out of my monthly minimal of $1320 to "BILLS", this leaves about $640 for everything else. This is 10 less than my rent of $650, and is missing my other bill, which is my monthly $25 phone bill. But also I usually make between $350-$370 a week, which leave my between $1400-1480 a month, and THAT includes both rent and phone with a few dollars to spare.

I did it again πŸ˜” Hi. Still here

Life has been OK. Time keeps on slipping, into the future
- 6502 and Radio: I'm not a skilled Reverse Engineer, and am having issues with the front panel radio knobs. 6502 is still halted due to the olliscope budjet issues.
- I'm working on saving up for a new laptop. More specifically, the MNT REFORM, a laptop that fits a lot of desires and interests of mine :) I've already ordered the manuals, as I am itcing to mess with board designs. The laptop's about USD$1300, and while that isn't a BAD price, it's still high enough to make saving up for it take some time; about 7 months if I buy NOTHING else 😬 In the meantime, I'm thinking again about opening up a store on here. It'll be a dead basic classic 90's style shop, you send me an E-Mail with your purchase list and address and I send a PayPal invoice, BUT it'll still work. I also still have a small Ad Service for those interested
- I still have that Sweeper job, and my forum is still a thing πŸ’™ There are many people joining and interacting on there πŸ’œ
- I wrote an 8086 program in Assembly! It's very basic but you can find it HERE. I also polished up my website's image gallery and put it out there, free for anyone to use

And that's it for now! Maybe this time I can start doing regular updates again 🀨

I'm not dead, just suffering from "Website update? Eh I'll do it tomorrow" diease πŸ˜” BUT! Here I am now :) And hoo boy has things happened since December.

First off, reflection: 3D Printer is junk but partner is using it, Car is FIXED! WOO! Still ain't got that state money, I have 1 test board for the ATX 6502 project, and I very quickly matured out of making drama.neververy4.com, so thrilled I didn't. I do still run my DRAGON ADS,and now I have them on the Forum as well. That should cover the last few messages, now onto the new stuff.

- FORUM.NEVERVERY4.COM! Yes you are reading that correctly, I made a forum :) Inspired by forum.kobold60.com, I started a Dragon-centered, general purpose, PG13 forum on my site! It's free to register, and anyone can join, but there are a few rules to abide by. ANyways, no one has any pressure to partake in it, but nonetheless everyone is welcome to join (: Right now it's popular enough to have 2 pages on the "Active Topics" past 7 days tab. Granted there's only two topics on page 2, but I'm still getting a good amount of traffic (:
- RADIO! So the 6502 project is on hold until I get an olciliscope to measure frequencies and data activity, so in the meantime I startet a new project! Well, more of contuined an old one, the 1977 Chrysler radio rebuild. I'm taking my car's origional radio, replacing the AM board with my own custom board designed around the front knobs, and adding BlueTooth to it! Yesterday while I was asleep the first test board showed up, version D100. And well! Almost everything aligned! One mount point was 2mm off, and the 8 AM tuning connectors were 1mm off; so close to brute forcing a connection, but just too far away πŸ˜” But Hey! That's the main reason for D100, make sure it all fits (:

Well, that's all I can think of now. Anyways thanks for subscribing to my .RSS food, and y'all havea good oneπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’™